
Explaining immigration restrictions using a sequential path dependency model.
ELIAMEP Working Papers 119 (July 2022).
Comte, Emmanuel. ‘Explaining immigration restrictions using a sequential path dependency model,’ ELIAMEP Working Papers 119 (July 2022). DOI:

British-French narratives to restrict immigration from the Global South, 1960s-mid-1980s.
BRIDGES Working Papers 1 (November 2021).

EU differentiation in border, asylum and police cooperation: drivers, effectiveness and crisis.
With Sandra Lavenex. EU IDEA Research Papers 11 (July 2021).

Between realism and fairness: reflection to help the United Nations face the global migration challenge.
CIDOB Report 6 (September 2020).
Comte, Emmanuel. ‘Between Realism and Fairness: Reflection To Help the United Nations Face the Global Migration Challenge,’ CIDOB Report 6 (September 2020).

The European asylum system: a necessary case of differentiation.
EU IDEA Policy Papers 3 (July 2020).